Dr Ahmed Waqas Waheed
Executive Director
Dr. Ahmed Waqas Waheed has a Masters in International Relations from the University of Sussex, UK and a PhD in Political Science from Queen Mary University of London, UK. He has published widely including two books: The Wrong Ally: Pakistan’s State Sovereignty under US Dependence and Constructing Pakistan through Knowledge Production in International Relations and Area Studies. He has also delivered academic and policy-oriented lectures and seminars at national and international forums.
Dr Ahmed Waqas Waheed
Executive Director
Dr. Ahmed Waqas Waheed has a Masters in International Relations from the University of Sussex, UK and a PhD in Political Science from Queen Mary University of London, UK. He has published widely including two books: The Wrong Ally: Pakistan’s State Sovereignty under US Dependence and Constructing Pakistan through Knowledge Production in International Relations and Area Studies. He has also delivered academic and policy-oriented lectures and seminars at national and international forums.
Professor Inderjeet Parmar
Ph.D. (Manchester)
International Fellow
Professor Inderjeet Parmar, Ph.D., is Professor of International Politics at City, University of London (2012-); University of Manchester, 1991-2012. He is the author of several books including Foundations of the American Century (2012), and has edited or co-edited numerous books and journal special issues on Elites and US Power; Barack Obama’s presidency; the US and the Indo-Pacific; Soft Power and US Foreign Policy; The crisis of liberal international order; and China and the liberal order. Other professional activities: Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences; Past President of the British International Studies Association; held visiting positions at Oxford and Princeton; co-editor of a book series, Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy. He appears regularly on numerous TV and radio stations, including Al Jazeera, CNN, BBC, RT, TRT; Columnist for The Wire: https://thewire.in/author/iparmar/
Dr. Rizwana Abbasi
Ph.D (Leicester)
Dr. Abbasi has a PhD in International Relations and Political Science from the University of Leicester, UK. She is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. She has been a fellow of prestigious institutes such as EastWest Institute and Stimson Center, USA and the University of Leeds and the University Leicester, UK. She is also a graduate of Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS), Hawaii, USA. Her research interests and expertise include international and regional security, strategic stability, nuclear deterrence and arms control and disarmament.
Ayesha Shahid
B.A. Hons. (Hull), M.A. (Melbourne)
Ayesha Shahid possesses 16 years of experience in education industry, from spear heading a school system to providing consultation to various other educational organizations in the education sector. She has a Masters in Educational Management from the University of Melbourne, Australia and an Undergraduate degree in Educational Studies with special emphasis on childhood studies from the University of Hull, UK. She was selected to attend a course in educational studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland which has led to her current work. She is currently in the process of designing and implementing plans to develop a teacher training institute based on the Finland model of teacher education. Additionally, she has worked extensively and diligently on creating space for students with learning disabilities resulting in numerous success stories. Based on these success stories, she is now also in the process of developing a curriculum where students with mild and moderate learning disabilities can coexist with abled students.
Dr. Imdad Ullah
Ph.D (Erfurt)
Dr. Imdad Ullah is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the Centre for International Peace and Stability, NUST, Islamabad. He completed his PhD in International Relations, with a DAAD scholarship, from the University of Erfurt, Germany in 2017. His research interests and expertise include terrorism, drone warfare, international humanitarian law, the emerging technologies of war and the legal issues surrounding their use.
Hashim Sirhindi
M.Sc. (Sussex), M.Sc. (Oxford)
Hashim Sirhindi is a project manager and a Telecommunications and Semiconductor industry practitioner, currently studying for an MSc at the University of Oxford. He did his MSc in engineering from the University of Sussex, UK. His area of interest include information warfare, cyber security, and the fifth generation warfare. Hashim has more than 15 years of experience working in the field of technology.
Haleema Saadia
Doctoral Candidate (NUST)
Haleema Saadia is a Lecturer at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Rawalpindi, Pakistan. She is also a PhD candidate at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. She has done fellowships at the Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies, Monterey, California, USA; and, is an alumni of Nuclear History Boot Camp of the Nonproliferation International History Project, organized by University of Roma Tre and Woodrow Wilson School, USA. She has worked as an Assistant Director in the Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs Branch of Strategic Plans Division (SPD), Pakistan where she gave policy input on strategic affairs including Pakistan’s nuclear doctrinal issues, its non-proliferation policy, international and regional arms control, non-proliferation of WMDs and nuclear safety and security matters. She has represented Pakistan at several international forums related to nonproliferation and disarmament including, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Her areas of interest include nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear policies of India and Pakistan, deterrence, nuclear strategy, peaceful applications of nuclear technology and arms control and disarmament.
Shahzadi Fatima Ali Khan
Junior Research Fellow
Shahzadi Fatima Ali Khan is a graduate of Government and Public Policy (GPP) from the National Defence University (NDU) and a postgraduate research degree in Governance and Public Policy (GPP) at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). Her postgraduate thesis explored Colonial Contours in Public Policy of Pakistan. She has extensive early experience in various government and public policy departments. Her research areas include Governance, Public Policy, Coloniality and related epistemes.